Photos in A Major

By A

Veggie box

Sad days last weekend, the lady that sells veggies round the corner wasn't there and isn't going to be there till the spring.....however there is a silver lining to this dark cloud....she delivers veg boxes. Yes a random box of veggies, with a challenge to cook something interesting from it. Well challenge accepted and almost achieved, all that's left is a cabbage, a carrot and a potato....bubble and squeak anyone?

Feeling quite pleased at the end if a thoroughly good Sunday, a couple of hours of work this morning (I know but K went for a run while I did this so it doesn't count!), some
work in the garden and a lamb dinner! All is good!

I don't normally reference the music played while I blip, however this one is brought to you by 'Guide me o thou great redeemer' (you know Bread of Heaven!) and a decent bottle of red!

PS I do have a theory...neighbours cannot complain about loud music if it's classical music. Let's hope next door also agree!

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