How Well Do You Know Your Valentine?

Married for 56 years, and still having a ball! Their name was drawn to be contestants on a "Newlywed" type game for our Valentine dinner this evening. They passed the test with flying colors and won the game! It was so much fun to see mom (grammapat)and dad guessing what each other would say to questions like, "Name something nice he did for you recently", "What is 'your' song", "Where were you when you first kissed"...
Probably the funniest moment was when all three couples got that last question wrong. It seems each of their memories of the 'first kiss' were different.

I sang my Valentine to my Beloved at the dinner as well. Grammapat shared it with the world. It's sort of like shouting it from the rooftops, isn't it!

The clear message of the evening for all of us was the overwhelming blessing of God's love for us and through us.

Wonderful dinner, fabulous time!

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