12/29 macro

Yesterday somebody wise reminded me that it's nearly impossible to have good days 365 days of the year (well, 366 this year) and she was so right. Still, it's how we deal with those days that is the key! Today has been better, more positive. Ben bless him has been most upset that he couldn't go to church - I wasn't prepared to risk it. I don't think he's got a d&v bug but whatever is up with him has made him want mainly mummy milk for food and that in turn is giving him the occasional very runny poo. I hope he gets his appetite back next week, he's got a bit of catching up to do!

My soup diet is great fun :-/ The less said about that the better. Only one more day to get through then I can hopefully crunch on some fresh fruit and veg again.

I started unpacking the box that my parents brought down with them the other week this morning. It says on the side, "precious things from living room". Amazing what 5 years can do, I had no idea what I was going to find! So this blip was going to be made up of macro shots of the wood burl we brought back from Aus on our honeymoon 11 and a half years ago, and some of the bits that we have collected to live in it. When I looked at the photos I loved this one though: one of the first rings Steve ever gave me - a piece of steel wire, tied into a knot and then joined. Can't believe it still exists!There was also a lot of pretty random stuff in there as well so it has been divided into four piles: keep and display, keep and store, charity shop, bin.

Cheddar and black pepper beer bread with soup for dinner. Ben helpfully went to bed before we ate, but Charley wasn't impressed with something and he isn't shy about letting me know I'm getting it wrong until I figure it out.

First it was the presence of a wet nappy.

The next one took me far linger to figure out.

He didn't want boob.
He didn't want a cuddle.
He didn't want to lie down.

No, he wanted ALL THREE so I ended up lying on the rug next to him while he had his boob and I gave myself a crick in my neck trying to edit pictures on the laptop!! Smallest Sir still wasn't totally impressed and we ended up giving in and going to bed which was exactly what he wanted.

Definitely not shy, this child of ours.

Long may it last - and God bless our sanity!

Steve took some pics of Charley in the bath on Saturday but I forgot to link to them... there's a few of the photostream and one on Steve's blip as well :)

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