not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

we are still here

We are still about we have not been away or ill thank god Keith is fine and so is molly and Mr Polly .

We just ran out of time on our dongle so had to have a few days internet free which was not to bad the one thing i did miss doing was blip and said to keith the other the day the only one thing i have missed is this that must mean i am addicted to it. But it has given me time to get my book read as if i was on here all the time i would not get it done and as i have said be fore it is a good one and if you like to read you should get it it is called Human Traces by Sebastian Faulks .

It is cold today but no more snow we did get a bit yesterday but was gone by the afternoon we did our shopping in the morning. Then we took molly though the park in the afternoon so i could get some pics of the birds and that. We were standing at the side of the little pond that people have the remote control boats on so it is not deep and when me an Keith was talking he looked and there was Molly going on to the ice Keith shout at her to got off lucky she was on her lead he pulled her and as she got to the edge the ice gave way but with it not being deep Keith just pulled her out and she ran the rest of the way home but she is fine now.

Bye for now love Suzy xxx

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