Another Birthday

The other half's this time - he is now the ripe old age of 42 :D He had his cards & prezzies from us all this morning. Arwen got him a little talking Yoda, Caitlin some Muppets socks, Asha a selection of Radiohead, Queen & Iron Maiden cd's, Josie's giving him her iphone when the contract runs out at the end of the month (she's just had to send it away to be repaired and they sent her a brand new one, she had to pay the excess on the insurance though) & I got him a Star Wars t-shirt & a couple of factual science/space/headache making books that he loves to read. He is like a sponge with knowledge and likes nothing more than soaking up knowledge from the many books he has on various subjects from history to space to mythology. Strange man. Then he puts up with me & our girlies, that's enough to make anyone strange :D

It's been a quiet day here really, I've just pottered about and Asha & Arwen have spent the day baking up a storm in the kitchen. They have made flapjacks, cookies, krispie nest cakes aswell as 2 birthday cakes. One for their Dad and one for our wonderful neighbour Brenda who is also celebrating her birthday today. This is one of the "nests".

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