By Mickdo100


This is Merlin who managed to scare the beejesus out of me during my lunchtime walk in Glasgow Green. As I prepared to take a photo of a statue for a possible blip, Merlin decided to run at me at full speed!

As a gentle giant of course he stopped and was happy to show his interest in me by having a wee sniff and and wagging his not unsubstantial size tail. I got talking to his owner who told me he is a Newfoundland pedigree weighing in at 14 stone at the moment. She said she thought Merlin ran over as he spotted my camera and liked to have his photo taken, of course I asked and Merlin obliged by sitting and posing as you can see. I managed to avoid camera shake, just!

He was a lovely beast, goodness knows what it takes to feed him.

Interesting information on the breed available here

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