The Living Years

By emmaneni1

It finally came

Back blip

After waiting and waiting for a decent snow all winter it finally came. On the Friday at school it started to fall and I was so excited! It was perfect timing as well because about half an hour after it started I got a pair of beautiful waterproof and keeps you warm down to -25 pair of boots from my Mum. I had been looking at these boots since before I came to Hungary and Mum rang me on the previous weekend to say they were in the sale. I have to say as it's a back blip they have been a lifesaver in the last 2 weeks.

L was here as I decided against going to Veszprem because my back had been really bad on Thursday.

So it fell and it fell and it fell. I love snow so much, it's magical. On Saturday early evening I went over to the non stop to get something for tea. The snow was at the top of my new boots. The combination of the orange street light and dusk on the snow meant it was this amazing pink colour.

At about midnight, L and I wrapped up in a load of clothes and headed out. We had a beautiful walk. I took a ruler and measured the snow, 28 cm!!! We looked at the snowflakes, that really look like the paper ones you make as kids. The whole ground was glittering. We jumped in the piles of snow left where people had cleared doorways. They were as high as me. We watched the snowplough and snow tractor going about their hard work. They waved and I waved back. It was freezing cold and perfect. Everything is so quiet and peaceful. There was of course a couple of Hungarian boy racers wanting to slide around / show off a bit in their cars. I made a snow angel, although no snowmen or snow balls because it was the wrong type of snow.

A great great night.

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