B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

"Black Eyed Peas"

BJ had a periorbital dermoid cyst removed from his left eye. It was day surgery in Waterville, took about a couple of hours and he was sent home. The kids are a bit traumatized by the stitches and swelling, but he reports that the pain isn't bad. Per doctors instructions, he is to put a bag of frozen peas on it 4x a day for 20 minutes each time. The comedian that he is... chuckled and said "look, Black Eyed Peas!". Oh, I think he'll be just fine!

p.s. the "x" on his forehead was put there by the nurse as confirmation as to the side that required surgery. I think they used a permanent marker... we can't seem to wash it off.

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