Photo Journal

By mlp


I had so many great shots from today it was really hard to pick just one!
Gorgeous orchids and tropical plants, some nice shots of bees flying into flowers, beautiful butterflies, and even a baby iguana.
But I decided it was best to just go with an orchid, not that it helped narrow down my choice much, I took over 400 shots!

My mom and I were at our local orchid society's gardens, it was a free day for the people who live in our area. Its a really beautiful place, has a large green house and outdoor garden with lots of paths. Its really neat to go there different times of the year and see whats in bloom.

I was able to go because I got laid off work yesterday.
Oh well.
I've got some time to figure out what to do and am not worrying yet.
And depending on the situation I may even end up back there...we shall see.
In the mean time I'm going to enjoy sleeping in a bit and try to get that quilt started...I'm tired of just staring at the fabric!

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