
Successful trip through to Glasgow today. I got the first of the cheap day return trains at 9.19 and was at the passport office just before half ten. Despite having an eleven o'clock appointment I was seen and processed by just after ten forty.

With time to kill I headed to the Gallery of Modern Art for a bit, where there was loads of great stuff to see including sevreal Alisdair Gray pieces, then strolled along to Candleriggs for lunch at the Dhabba. After that it was Trongate103 for the photo exhibition (cheers Ross) then up to The University of Strathclyde for another exhibition.

That left just enough time for a Flat white on Ingram Street and a look in the Bang and Olufsen shop for a look at their amazing new wireless iPod/iPhone/iPad dock. It sounded fantastic I might have to start saving for one (at £600 I'll be saving for a while right enough).

Then it was back to the PAssport office for 2.45 to collect my new passport and on a train back to Edinburgh by 3.

Job's a goodun!

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