Texas Blue

hi. I'm back. A few more days and I'll have all these other days sorted out properly. Needed to put a few words down with a visual for my own sanity. I've missed my blips. What a wonderful feeling... to miss something that you love and be able to come back to it.

Nothing is as it has been
And I miss your face like hell
And I guess it's just as well
But I miss your face like hell

...So if you don't know what to make of this
Then we will not relate

This band has been haunting me lately. Like a ghostly wind, it appears when I least expect it and covers my senses completely. This one song in particular.
There has been so much on my mind as of late. No words can explain them. No photos can portray them. I'm just trapped, unable to explain my way out of this mess of thoughts and emotions. It'll work out; it always does.
I haven't been listening to any music at all for the past few months; there has just been silence. That has been increasingly bothersome to mine ears. I need music, I need notes to carry me through the days and nights. Rivers and roads, rivers and roads, rivers 'til I reach you. Maybe it's all just a part of the process.

Have passport; will travel.

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