It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Happy Valentines Day

I am sending lots of love to all my gorgeous blip friends who have left us lovely messages over the past week or so. Mum says that this cushion is only half the size of my heart! I have a LOT of love to spread around :-)

I am also sending extra special love to my twitter scottish boyfriend Cerny Wingate. We are finally getting to meet on Saturday 25th for a long awaited play date :-).

We are all finally on the road to recovery here in our house. I am still very bored and not allowed off my lead until after the weekend but things are healing well and I am leaving my stitches alone as much as I can. I also really don't mind wearing the "cone of shame" at night anymore either. Mum is still very tired but she is back to walking me on my boring short walks now! All we need is a bit of sunshine and warmer weather to help us on our way now!

Thank you again for all your lovely comments. We really are very very grateful :-)

Sending you all my valentines licks (and an extra special one for Cerny, I know he reads this! xxxx)

Lily xxx

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