Photography By Natasha

By PhotographyByMe

Imperfection is perfect...

You may look at this photo and say its nothing special, its just a rubbish photo os a rose, the rose has many imperfections, which makes it far from beautiful, but you see its the imperfections that make it perfect to me.

My husband and I are not ones to celebrate valentines day, yet I was given this gift as a surprise last night...just because.

This rose in all her glory, imperfections and all was given to me as a sign of love, a sign that after many years, I still warrant a token every now and then just because...

So you see, imperfections are what make things beautiful, because it makes something unique....15 years ago, he fell in love with me imperfections and all and we still love each other today, I know his imperfections better than anyone and I wouldn't change a single one for the world.

Happy Valentines Day!

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