Ink in the country

By ShellyGifford


Roses for valentines... Doesn't matter what form they show up in, they are still roses and always beautiful-- these I will be drinking in a tea later on, with my family, to celebrate "love"...Happy Valentines Day everyone:)

"Now picture a beautiful red rose - bright, colorful, vibrant - the Rose has a particular energetic pattern, one that is repeated in every other red Rose (though not exactly, but very close). There are energy frequencies that are particular to the red Rose that are different from all other flowers. The vibrations that make up a Rose are faster than many other flowers (Rose is considered a very high-vibration flower), and these vibrations are woven together in a particular way. Now imagine any other flower - a Geranium for example - it's vibrational patterns are different from the red Rose - slightly slower perhaps, and woven together in a different way. It is these vibrational patterns of each flower that give them their particular characteristics - color, shape, smell, texture, and the like"
Dr. Edward Bach-

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