Weebles wobble but they don't fall down...
...she is going to kill me for using this as my blip!!!
BUT... in my defense, she knows as well as everyone else does, I use blip to highlight the focus of my day and she has been the highlight of my day today... even though I had a lovely morning drinking coffee and scoffing sausage and tomato rolls with two great friends and strenuously testing the limits of our tena pants pelvic floor muscles giggling strings with all the laughing we were doing!
This wonderful bump is going to be my new niece or nephew... I am expecting to meet him or her in approximately 3 weeks time (Mum's 37 weeks at the mo) BUT I'm not so sure I'll have to wait that long...she is MAHOOSIVE - this picture really doesn't do her girth justice. I have others that do just that but if I posted them I would be officially sister-less!!!
There is also talk of her sorting out her other childrens wardrobes etc which makes me think she's already started nesting....uh oh.... I'm clearing my diary....I'll give her 7-10 day MAX!!!
Back blipped for yesterday ;-)
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