Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Gotta dance

Took a few photographs at Woking Dance Festival's three day residency with a group of fifteen or so young people who will be performing a rehearsed piece next month at the local theatre. As ever, great to see so many kids with the enthusiasm and commitment to put in some hard work on the dance floor. It's real graft and they got pretty hot and thirsty by lunchtime. But I was pleased with the pictures, had one camera mounted on a tripod with a dolly so that I could move quickly, and another one hand held. Shooting performance and working without flash is all about getting the settings spot on, keeping the camera steady, and anticipating the dancer's movements.

TSM and I had our usual low key approach to Valentine's Day. It really is a year round love fest for us so we don't make a big thing of it, but as we were both off work it was nice not to have to rush into the day, and this afternoon we went into Guildford for some shopping and coffee and cakes in a back alley teashop.

Now feeling a bit tired - funny how being off work can make you so relaxed, I can't stop yawning ...

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