Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

You don't need a Valentine to feel happy!

...We could have an interesting philosophical chat about 'normal'.

What normal ISN'T (usually) in our house, is Christmas chocolates STILL here on Valentine's Day.

Even though (I must admit - and I blame the grocer gene in my background) I am quite capable of a bit of hoarding, perhaps in the rice or sugar dept, an addiction to theobromine (and a sweet tooth) have always been anathema to any kind of 'chocolate keep'. Or ' chocolate share' ;-/
However, there does remain some gorgeousness in the fridge* (fridge? Chocolate? Another debate, but for me it has to be the fridge. Every time.).
And the chocolate fairy has only gone and been AGAIN! :-)

The one lucky thing here is that Himself is the VB kind of partner; he eats all the centres I don't like... And saves all the ones I do. :-) Just for me.
That's what I call love!

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