FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Incredible but.....

....I forgot to take my camera with me this morning. This is very unusual as I have taken it everywhere with me since I started down this road - even shopping!

I went for a walk around the estate at lunch time and saw countless blips, the avenue of trees nicknamed Oak Alley, the hundreds of daffodils pushing up through the ground, the mass of snowdrops in the woodland, the old rusty bike lying under the old Rhododendron bushes.

By the time I got my camera it was getting dark and I was despairing about todays blip when all of a sudden out the back window the sun began to set.

Out onto the balcony. Blip. Not the best, a bit too dark in the foreground but the sky exactly as it was.

3 minutes and it was gone forever.

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