
By HaxSyn

Whaling Harpoon Gun at Sunset

I was all curled up and cosy at home when somebody on Twitter mentioned there was a nice sunset, so I grabbed my camera bag and dashed out the door. I think I missed the best of it but ended up with this picture which I rather liked.

The whaling harpoon gun is a monument to the whaling industry that was a mainstay of Leith, Edinburgh for centuries (the last whale in the Firth of Forth was caught in 1834). The main settlement in South Georgia, South Atlantic (near the Falkland Islands) was named Leith after this harbour.

Although I abhor the idea of whaling today and how it has damaged the whale population worldwide, it IS a significant part of history and let's not forget : the whale ships from Leith brought the very first penguins to Edinburgh Zoo around 1900 and everybody loves penguins ;-)

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