Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


FINALLY - I have received a Radio Times in the post..

A few years ago when my son- in law Mike asked me what I wanted for Christmas I asked for a 6 month subscription for The Radio Times. Better than asking for chocs, toiletries etc as I get loads of those from my daughter. So every Christmas since then he has set up a subscription.

In previous years the delivery of The Radio Times every Tuesday in the post has been fine - no problems. However this year there was a mix up with the setting up of the subscription. Not Mike's fault I must add. It has taken till now to get it sorted. Was so pleased to see a copy on my doormat this morning.

I never buy magazines or newspapers - think they are a waste of money so I always read them online. However I do like to get a TV listings magazine so I can plan my weeks viewing.

My day today...........

5am - went to bed
10am - got up and had some toast. Pottered about a bit
11am - went back to bed
1pm - got up again. Had more toast. Had a shower.
2.15pm - walked down to the doctors.
2.30pm - saw the doctor. Got prescription for more tablets. (The ones which are helping the pain in my leg)
3pm - shopping in village. Then back home
3.45pm - arrived home. Cookie was in the street and came indoors with me. Fed Cookie. He stayed a while - seemed to be looking around for Bobby. Then he went home.

Evening spent on the computer and watching TV. Feeling rather sleepy now.

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