
By tookie

Happy Valentines from the Hooligans!

Here they are wishing you a Happy hearts day. Sadie on the left and Cowboy on the far right. Now the significance of the center bone saying Cowboy with the tooth on top is this--had to go to the vets for his shots, annual check up and a grooming. Bummer news was a bone had cracked of piece of a back molar off badly and it must be extracted soon---NOT happy news at all. So he'll be munching carrots instead of raw bones here on out---he looks sad about this but the reality is he loves carrots. I'll be adding more veggies to his food and less of other stuff as he has to lose some weight. Now he and I can commiserate together:) or :(... His valentine meal will soon be on the way....hope it was a good day for all.

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