noble maggie

By maggiesays

Salt's Mill

Today we went over to Leeds to pay a birthday visit to No. 2 son and friend, who are currently studying there.
On the way, to fill time before studying commitments freed them for tea, we went to Salt's Mill and Saltaire in Shipley. The canny, but altruistic, Titus Salt built himself a new and extensive mill by the canal and railway, together with a model village to house his workforce, complete with schools, churches, hospital, alms houses and concert hall.
The mill is now used for a variety of purposes and is a 'vibrant place of art and commerce' thanks to the vision of Jonathan Silver. He knew David Hockney well, and the ground floor contains many of Hockney's works, in a gallery that is a glorious mixture of art materials/ bookshop, museum and art exhibition.
On the third floor is displayed a more recent collection of Hockney's work, including this '25 Trees Between Bridlington School and Morrison's Supermarket along Bessingby Road in the Semi-Egyptian Style'

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