Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Dusky Rose

The flash didn't go off and the shutter stayed open longer to compensate. It was an accident, but these remnants from the green bin came out OK I thought. A bit noisy and not amazingly sharp but I quite liked it. So there!

Still messing about with the new tripod before I go public with it. I'm not vain but I don't want to look like a slapstick fool from a silent movie when I try and set it up 'out there'. It's a big moment, a rite of passage, and I need to be able to construct it swiftly and elegantly with a panache that will afford an appreciative nod or a glance of jealousy. I don't mind which, as long as it's not a pitying 'Oh Dear' or a stifled giggle.

On another note I've tried to follow the example of Snapshot Sam, who said here;

I need to start appreciating every day and not just looking ahead to the weekends, so here's to Wednesday, the poor cousin of the weekend but not as frowned upon as Mondays :).

I've made a concious decision not to pine for the weekend - early indications are that it's working - the past couple of days have gone quite quickly and not dragged at all (although Monday sucked....)

Even so - Happy Humpday!

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