We had blue sky and sunshine this afternoon! Suddenly it was summer again, with summer's heat. It caught me overdressed in town, where I went to spend some time with my daughter, FirehorseMia.
Back home I found these wasps taking nectar from the red hot pokers. I would much rather the bellbird had it because she sings for her supper. I watched them as they crawled up a tube of the flower, and then reverse out. They were very fast. I focused on the tube where one had gone in, hoping to capture it as it came out. As it was backing out another came along.
I like the pollen on the rear of the emerging wasp, and the red reflections on the one that is on the wing.
Wasps are very unwelcome invaders in our country. They plague our native forests, taking the food of our native bees and nectar eating birds.
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