A Rose By Any Other Name

By arosebyanyother

Party Day

So many parties, so little time!!

Both boys had parties today, both parties started at 3pm....awkward!!

Luckily Lennon's friend's Mom said we could drop him off early & we got both boys in on time!

Dan & I went shopping whilst waiting to pick the kids up. We had to get cake ingredients for a wedding Saturday!!

Dhylan came home winning best dancer prize & with a cone of sweets which he immediately said "me & Lennon can share these & the cake!"
(Lennon meanwhile had eaten his cake!!)

Dan made a very yummy (very filling!) curry for dinner! It was lovely!

Marlane & David are dining out tonight so we are currently being used by Foxy (chihuahua). He keeps sticking his face under your hand in the hopes that someone will stroke him! He's so cute!!! x

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