The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl


I do... sometimes...

Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital with someone who is seeing a specialist.
This is how it works:
1. GP says that specialist is required and gives you a referral note.
2. You phone around the nearest hospitals for an appointment.
3. They say there is nothing, not even in the hospital 45 km away, for 3 months.
4. You know it is urgent, so you ask for a private appointment.
5. You wait one whole week (because of snow) go to the same hospital, see the same doctor, in the same room (!) only in the afternoon, when they do private clinic.
6. Instead of paying the 50-odd euros you would pay for the NHS appointment (no such things as free consults here), you pay 100 or more, depending on who you need to see, but at least you don't have to wait months.

Do whatever you can to hang on to your health service, people don't know what you've got until you don't have it any more.


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