Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

After the Rain

Yesterday we had weather . . . cold rain that turned to snow on the foothills. Then during the night the wind began and it rip snorted through our land to give us a beautiful sky this morning and throughout this day. It was chilly cold as I headed for the campus. The view was breath taking, but my photo doesn't do it justice.

Today is little Tristan's 5th birthday. He is our only great-grandchild. We know that he is here somewhere in southern California with his daddy. He's been here since the end of October, and even though we've tried and tried to connect, there's been no connection. The divide between Tristan's mom, our granddaughter Desiree, and his dad, Nick, is more than minor. She has told us that Tristan will soon be coming back home to her in Oklahoma. We hope so. Actually, we wish she'd move back here so Tristan can be near both of his parents. As a person who grew-up in a home missing one parent, I'll just say I hate this!

I do, though, remember five years ago today when Tristan was born. I had just finished teaching as a new semester was beginning when we got the call that Tristan was here. Our side of the family all headed for the local hospital. There in the hospital room we had Grammie Fun (Mr. Fun's mom), and Mr. Fun, and our son who is Desiree's dad, of course Desiree and Tristan were there . . . five generations in one room. It was quite a moment. Nick & Desiree stayed together for about 18 months, but never married. We're still hoping that somehow we'll get to see Tristan before he leaves.

Regarding Mr. Fun and how very sick he has been . . . I arrived home late this afternoon and found him feeling better after spending another day in bed. I think he is on the mend. His cough sounds terrible, but it sounds like the congestion is breaking lose. There's still hope that he'll get to the doctor to speed this cough along and to help reduce it to a wimper.

I hope you have a lovely Friday.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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