
By Ilaria

A prize find!!!!!

Out for lunch today with a friend...a truly delicious lunch...and a great catch up!! :-)) It's grey and dull again here...I seem to be at work on the sunny days!!! So today, I was a bit worried about a blip....UNTIL....I spotted THIS!!!!!

The place we had lunch had loads of lovely old things....typewriters, bikes, sinks, and then I spotted this....right above my head!!! A fabby old camera!!! :-)) Now I know zippo about cameras of old...but it HAD to be todays blip!!

My shot was hurried, although I had asked permission...but the poor light meant I had to go back with tripod in tow!! I'm quite shy really and was embarrassed!! Then I also didn't want to move the beauty about much!! So my shots weren't great, but I played a lot in PS....I hope I haven't spoiled it!!! It took ages to upload, so that I could keep the detail, and name on the lens visible...Beck Symmetrical Lens...

It was just a beauty!!! I almost had a sad moment and stroked it!! OK...I DID!!! Lol!!! Oh happy obsession!!!!! ;-))))))))

Heres to decades more photography!!!!

Have a good evening....

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