
By LeeAnne


29 Day February Challenge

I guess this is one of the things I thought of when I thought about opposites. Perhaps not a traditional opposite but I don't feel like conforming today.

Sometimes I think opposites are a good thing... you know the old saying about how opposites attract... there are other times when I think not so much.

I'm in two minds today.

You might have guessed that I'm not a particularly private person yes I hear your laughter, I'm more of an open book. What you see is pretty much what you get. Honest? Perhaps too honest sometimes. Perhaps other times not so much. I am who I am, but sometimes I struggle with how other people see me and what 'I think, they think' is expected of me. Why is that? Why would I want to be someone I'm not? I don't but mainly I think it's because people judge. We all do it. Some more than others. I'm no different.

We make judgements on everything we see. Everything we come across in every day life, we make some sort of judgement on. Whether we like it, whether we don't like it; whether we have strong feelings about it or whether we're really not that bothered. I think, like everything else in life, it's how we deal with it that matters the most.

I'd like to think that with my open mind comes a little more... tolerance maybe? Actually that's the wrong word for me, mainly cause it's very fair to say that I'm intolerant of many things mostly arseholes and I'm always right. Aren't we all?! However, if on the rare occasion I'm wrong, then I'm happy to admit that. I don't have too much pride. I know myself inside out. I know my faults. Not everyone does. Some know more than others. Some know less but are learning more because of what I write here.

While I'm intolerant of some people especially the stupid arseholes, I don't think I judge situations so much. There are always three sides to a story; your side, their side and what actually happened. There's that other old saying about walking a mile in someone's shoes... and you'll be a mile away with their shoes! But if you haven't ever worn those shoes, how could you possibly make an informed opinion on their situation? You can hazard a guess as to what you imagine it would be like to be in that situation yourself. You may even have a similar thing to compare it to but you never really get it unless you've been there yourself. Even then the circumstances are likely to be different but you will have a better idea of what other people go through in life. We should take a moment every now and then to ponder that. People are too quick to judge.

We all judge by our own standards. My standards are different from yours, just as yours are different from mine. That's cool. Those are my choices to make. You make your own.

It's simple. It's because we're all different.

I am different.

For a long time I've tried to conform to what is expected of me, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I don't do well with convention. It doesn't sit right with me to do something the right way by someone else's standards. It makes me happy to do what's right by my standards. I have learned from the things that my parents taught me, from the way I've been brought up, from things I've experienced over the years, by knowing the difference between right and wrong, by the things I've learned from the people around me, from the friends I've made along the way and from the experiences I have had which have made me the person I am today.

I'm not normal.

I never want to be normal, not by your standards.

I want to be my kind of normal, by my standards.

I want to be allowed to be me.

The chances are that I'm quite the opposite to you.

Like chalk and cheese.

I like that.

I hope you do too.

Wow... spotlight three days in a row?! Thank you so much for all your lovely cheeky comments... you are acer than ace and a bit naughty!

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