In the Jar

A rare evening of music and singing. Whisky and nonsense talked. A bodhran and a guitar. I wish I could sing even tolerably. What made Milwaukee famous does indeed have the capacity to turn a fellow into a loser. And I never knew I knew so many words to Maggie May. Well I know noo! Got a bit lost towards the end of Whisky in the Jar, mind. I do believe that he was in prison with a ball and chain, but that may just be the Thin Lizzy take on it.

Had a chuckle this morning. There's a great chap on this Project that I've worked with before. A shrewd player who can talk the talk with the heid bummers and negotiate accordingly but whose first love is his fishing boat off Donegal - his wife's old birthplace.

This morning on the 'flash' audio (aye?) one heid bummer praised his contribution to the programme. Detailing his unfailing commitment she said, "you can't buy that kind of commitment". How we laughed.

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