Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

A Grand day out

Spent to day at Textiles in Focus, what a brilliant day. Mandy and I did an abstract workshop which was all about looking at colour and building up layers of different mediums (in this case water colour; wax crayon; pastels, water soluble pencils and lots more) to make a sample. It has given me more confidence to look at something and pick out the colours. The blip is the view from where I was sitting on the workshop

Met up with other friends for lunch and then spent the afternoon shopping. Have a new hobby! Bought some fibre and after a phone call to the mum in law (who has everything crafty) to check if she had a spinning spindle. So now need to practice. But then there is the velvet and yummy had dyed threads and want to try some trapunto circles, oh but there is the quilt I need to make so we know the fabric requirements for the charity quilts my quilt group are making and also the piece I have to cut and quilt ready for the next instruction at the group on Thursday. Oh too much choice on what to do first.

Lovely day - and now home for a lovely evening with Pete

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