The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

I do love my puppy...

... He was wriggling all over when I finally got to my gran's house tonight, no love like it :)

In other news, today has been a surprisingly lovely and fabulous one. Today I got to see my oldest, closest two best friends. Sounds quite childish really, saying best friends, but they really are. I met my first "best friend" at her flat in Dundee on my way home for the weekend. She's lush, we've known each other since 1st year at secondary school where we just sort of... Clicked. My second best friend goes back slightly further, to when I was around 4 years old. Ok, we weren't ultra close back then, but that's when we met. His name was Toby and I adored him. A month after my 10th birthday I found out that his owner had agreed to loan him to me for as long as I wanted (which turned out to be nearly 5 years!) In case you hadn't guessed, he was my first pony. He's beautiful, a little fluffy teddybear of a horse, and he has barely changed since I last saw him... Though I reckon he's a wee bit more round than when I had him! Anyway, today I plucked up the courage to pop round to his new owner's house and ask if I could pay him a visit. I'm so glad I did, though I always get so teary around him... I guess he was just a huge part of my childhood. I'll try get some pictures up soon... They did say I was allowed to visit him any time I liked... :P

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