shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Change the world

Edit: Oops, forgot that today was 300, given the length of today's blip, I think I'll do the reflection on 300 days on Blip tomorrow!

I've had a very contemplative day, stemming in part I think from some books I'm reading, one about women's role in the history of the church, and from a Facebook post I saw earlier today. The pastor of the church I'm part of in Nizhny Novgorod posted a Russian news article about a series of teen suicides in and around Moscow over the last few days. I do fear that the current generation of young people have a tough task ahead of them as they look to leave school in a world where jobs (never mind careers) are very hard to come by and education is increasingly expensive. So many are growing up in broken families, and can see few reasons to hope. I think that applies to the UK as much as it does Russia.

What depressed me more than that though, was the discussion in the comments where one guy stated that there was no point in Christians (or anyone else) making any attempts to change the society we live in. Now there are a lot of Russian cultural factors behind that, it's not quite as simple as it seems on the surface, but it scared me, for all I understand some of the culture and the history from which that kind of attitude stems. I think that Christians (and everyone else, I think this is part of the creation mandate, to take care of the world that God created, and so applies to everyone, whatever they choose to believe, we are all human and live in this world and need to play a part in making it a better place for all) have a responsibility to call attention to things that are not right and to get our hands dirty doing something about those things.

But I do think that Christians have a greater call to get involved. If the God in whom we believe is the God the Bible describes, then all the people he created deserve the same respect, love and opportunities, no matter where they happen to be born, or how much money their parents have, or what health problems they face, or what they believe. If Jesus loved each of us enough to die for us, we need to understand the value of those around us and of ourselves in God's eyes, and do everything we can to make the way our society works reflect that understanding, that value placed on every individual person. It can seem intimidating, given the scale of the problems facing us, but we all need to play a part in it, and we won't be acting alone, God is very much with us. I in no way want to devalue the activities of those who don't share my faith, all too often Christians (including me) should be ashamed of ourselves for not acting, not caring, not being who we are called to be, and the people who don't believe the same things we do act more like God intends Christians to act than we Christians do, all without needing that extra reason Christians should have to kick them into action.

When I was coming home from work tonight I had my i-pod on shuffle, and a song came on by a guy called Godfrey Birtill, which just spoke right into what I was thinking. If you want to listen, then it's here on YouTube, posted last summer by someone thinking along similar lines to images which reflect the powerlessness we often feel in the face of what is going on, along with the assurance which the Bible promises us. The words go as follows:

Where O where's Your presence O God?
In this dry and weary land
So many people drifting away
How we need to understand...
You're still God
Even when we're unbelieving
Still God
When we're desperate for our healing
Still God, still God, still God.
You're still God
Even when our friends desert us
Still God
Even through the things that hurt us
Still God, still God
So I will be still, and know You are God.

Where O where's Your kingdom O God?
We have let holiness go
So many idols litter our land
We've got to let this nation know...
You're Still God
When the government has no answers
Still God
When the media lowers the standard
Still God, still God, still God
You're still God
When the plans we make are worthless
Still God
When we lose our sense of purpose
Still God, You're still God,
So I will be still, and know You are God.
When will Jesus really be seen
Through the church that bears his name
Agents of his kingdom, his peace
In the world for which he came
You're still God
Even though You were rejected
Still God
Though You were ridiculed, deserted
Still God, still God, still God
You're still God
Though You suffered execution
Still God
You're alive and Christ our champion
Still God, still God
So I will be still, and know You are God
Godfrey & Gill Birtill, Geraldine Latty & Tim Lomax
© 2004 Thankyou Music.

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