Disparate Housecats of Daytona Beach, Episode 59

Club Catty-Tonic. Mirl and Sidd are trying out their self-issued memberships to the new feline spa and bird-viewing clubhouse in the treetops. "It's terrific! Why it's like a sky-box for pussies!" announces Mirl. This is the latest of three cat lounges that Cat Slave was forced by the testy twosome to add to the house to replace the totally inadequate ones - in their opinion - he first had. (Fortunately, cat slave's friends chili-cook-off-work-and-have-lunch-with-takes-me-to-the-hospital-if-necessary Steve B. who got him the super bargain lumber and delivered it, and across-the-street-electrician-son-of-great-neighbors Steve B. who muscled the weighty timbers into place and then for days screwed and screwed the boards into a flat cat snoozarium were around to make the decks happen.) Mirl adds "We wrote our memberships to include pampering and snacks. Oh Cat Slave, come out here, give me a massage and, afterwards, peel me a salmon!" Poor, poor pussies - so misunderstood.

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