Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

See You at The Top!

Mountain time today so I get loaded up in the Jim with my car harness on and all set to go. It is Saturday and the traffic up the mountain is quite heavy with predominately English couples puffing their way up the hill. Those coming from the back certainly work harder but The Boss and MY FRIEND PETER always give bits of encouragement to all. Near the top there is a stile so I pose on the top while The Boss gets pictures which holds up the traffic. By this time there is quite an audience and a couple of girls are FRENCH. Ah says The Boss what does Pfoiu mean. There is much discussion and they arrive at a decision that says something good like a cartoon?
So there you have it. None the wiser. Mt Iron on a Saturday can be huge fun and on the way dowm I got completely lead astray by a couple of Golden Retreivers and The Boss has to wade in and give me The Word. Spoil Sport!

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