My world in pictures!

By MichelleB


The theme for today is opposites so I chose my children. You dont get more opposite than them really (its not just a get out cause I couldnt think of anything else)!

Firstly in looks they are total opposites, Finlay is blonde haired and blue eyed and the spitting image of his daddy while Freya is dark haired, brown eyed and apparently looks exactly like me!

Then if you take their personalities they are so completely different. Finlay is a very laid back kid and always has been he's very easy to please and is quite happy amusing himself playing with his toys. Freya on the other hand if I had to describe her quite honestly is a bit of a drama queen she needs constant attention and always has to have someone playing with her. She is also very shy in company where Finlay is a very confident child and taking him into a new situation doesnt phase him at all.

Looking ahead to the future I can tell that Finlay will be quite a bright but lazy student at school (he's already showing this in Primary one) whilst Freya is a very determined little girl who is very independent and prefers to work things out for herself rather than having it done for her.

So there we have it my two opposites but I love them both equally and would be lost without them :)

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