Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Lovely Blooms

Last nights 'Come Dine With Me' meal, was, even if I say so myself a lovely evening, with I might add empty plates! I know the girls well enought that they would not be shy about saying the food was rubbish if it was!

Thanks to J for the lovely blooms :)

I was up and off to parkrun with A, it was her first although she is three weeks of running the Bath Half, so there was no suprise when she disapeared out of sight! Didn't beat my PB, my time today was 30mins and so many seconds, by my watch, which came back as faster than my official time, so I'm sticking with that time!

Then it was off to Bath Uni to use the 50m pool for a swim session with the Tri club. About 1.5km later I finished the session propper pooped!

So this arvo has been mainly lazing on the sofa, well it was raining!

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