Sunset On Saturday.

I slipped into an alternative universe today. Honestly. At least I think that's what happened.

I went into town with MrFS & Josie and he informs me that he wants to buy some jeans & asks where he should go. So, for a giggle as I know he hates the shop and moans to buggery every time I mention wanting to have a mooch in there, I suggested New Look. Ok he says.

This is when I had an inkling that something was a bit iffy. So, we went upstairs to the mens section and at the sales girls suggestion, he went and tried on a light maroon coloured pair of straight jeans and a contrasting checked shirt with a hood.

Then things got even weirder. He liked them and actually paid for them without batting an eye lid at the price! All this without a single word of complaint about being in a shop that sells girl things, without moaning that he hasn't been vaccinated against girl cooties..............nothing.

I'm glad I have wine left :)

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