Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara


I believe all things happen for a reason.

1. Google 'Malham' to find a nice walk close to the village

2. Spot a cottage in my price range on the Google search results

3. Plan a walk to visit the cottage

4. Loose Barney's lead on the walk to the cottage

5. Turn back and use camera strap (thanks Blip!) to control him next to the sheep

6. Take a walk without Barney to Coniston and beyond

7. Get a nice blip showing just why I love limestone country so much

What really struck me about this photo was the comparison with last Saturdays blip. The flood of colour in this blip is the complete opposite to a week ago.

I'm never taking any notice of the weather forecast again. It said it would rain all day! Infact the sun was out the whole time. It was damn windy though, not good when you are going up a steep hill.

A great day.

And that's todays one through the looking glass.

PS - If you are interested-
Conditions for limestone pavements are created when an advancing glacier scrapes away overburden and exposes horizontally-bedded limestone, with subsequent glacial retreat leaving behind a flat, bare surface. Limestone is slightly soluble in water and especially in acid rain, so corrosive drainage along joints and cracks in the limestone can produce slabs called "clints" isolated by deep fissures called "grikes" or "grykes" terms derived from the North of England dialect

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