Tick, Tock

By Chicane

Dickensian street

Day trip into London for The Wife to get her hair cut is always a good excuse for me to tag along as well and to make a day of it.

Forty minute train ride into London Bridge and it's straight down to Borough Market for breakfast. Started with stir fried scallops and crispy bacon then moved onto a toasted cheese sandwhich and a coffee..but always so hard to chose what to eat there.

After killing an hour, as The Wife had her hair cut, by strolling around St Pauls we headed up to Brick Lane for a wander around the vintage clothes stores and food markets.
Picture was taken down Puma Court a loverly old lane leading onto Brick Lane.

Weather was starting to turn after that so we headed back home, stopping for a quick grocery top up on the way and getting caught in the rain as we walked back.

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