Views of my world

By rosamund


My very dear school friend started following my blip after our visit the other day, she knows I love hearts so she sent me a picture of a heart shaped conjoined chicken goujon which her kids were having for tea. It made me laugh but you can imagine my surprise when I opened the packet of steak I had got for our dinner and found a heart in there too!

Needless to say I had another blipless day, too cold and windy to hang about down the front. Had a lovely quiet morning with Freya, I did some knitting and we started to watch Larkrise to Candleford. It's funny how the older you get the more you enjoy a good period drama!

Had a nice blether and knit down the wool shop in the afternoon and a very chilled out evening watching movies with Carlos. The steak was delicious by the way.

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