
By Batty

Chris Earls leaving party

Busy day - late shift last night so lay in today - a good run at the gym, followed by having to wait in for a delivery at the mother in laws house from Neville Williams (famous on you tube apparently - havnt had time to check his credentials yet - but quite a character never the less!) Mum and Ade showed up with an 'in-house pic nic' to keep us going - which was very well received I must say, but of course as soon as they showed up, so did the lorry! typical !! However worked out very well!! After the feast of lunch we all decided to go to the Turner Contemporary in Margate - Amazing !(well worth a visit for anyone thinking of visiting an art gallery) Then off to Dartford to join in my friend Chris Earls celebrations! He has landed himself a new duty station managers job! The post couldnt have gone to a nicer chap! We are all very excited for him! Well deserved!

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