Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Today has mainly involved: A visit from my little Sis, coffee and wafers and a very large babyccino, a very interesting flower shop, all of us caught out in the hail, text-poems, lots and lots of toddlers, roast beef, licking food from a knife, talking about birth, memories of being small, a ticket-man in a flourescent jacket, men leaving lids off things, smashed glass, wiggling belly, sugar, and bed.

Today's challenge was 'wacky edit'. I knew when I woke up that I wanted to do something symmetrical and then I saw some very beautiful antlers in a shop and felt the need to draw them. My head has had antlers in it most of the time for a quite few days now, since perusing the work of a very wonderful draftsman. If he had a website I would link to it. I have had flowers and symmetry in my head for years. I am slightly obsessed I think. Picked up some prints in habitat of some beautiful flower photographs in a kaleidoscope effect years ago, and Jeni jumpingbean did some very pretty kaleidoscopey thing with Ben a few weeks back. Kinda hypnotic. One day I'd like my house to be full of colourful symmetry. For now though I think I will do some more experimenting with kaleidoscope flowers. It's fun.

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