Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

I See Your Reflection In my Eyes

My son was stung by a bee today, that was a yay moment. Nothing worse than feeling like you're doing your best and doing everything you can remember or have been told to do in a moment, only to feel like it's not helping.....until it does lol. Thankfully there haven't been too many bee sting moments in any of of my kiddies short lives so far. Hubby is allergic so there's always that freak out moment on the first sting as to whether or not it's going to end up badly.
This blip shot is just down the road from me...I take the picture from my porch whenever I can...I don't know why, but I just love it. Every now and then there's an awesome set of clouds and the sunset makes a nice backdrop for it all, but that's only on the days when you can get this shot. Conditions have to be perfect of course; for some reason, that sun chooses the day she reflects her soul through that buildings eyes. It's amazing how something so simple can feel like something so special to have witnessed.

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