down the bunny hole

By flopsybunny

Fresh air

This afternoon we fancied getting some fresh air so we decided to go to Anglesey Abbey for a little wander around. The weather wasn't great, the wind had picked up & there were rain clouds looming but that didn't matter. On went my woolly bobble hat (if you imagine Where's Wally in bright turquoise you get the picture!) On a scale of muppetness I think I scored quite highly!

We walked through the winter gardens where the snowdrops were out, I particularly liked the bright red of the dogwoods although it was quite dark and this picture doesn't really capture the vibrancy. Down by the mill there was a stall selling hot refreshments & food, I opted for a hot chocolate whilst Mr F couldn't resist the sausage & onion cob. We had these sat by the mill & then carried on our circular walk. We just got back to the car & were driving home when the heavens opened, so I think we timed that quite well for once.

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