Saturday: Carrot Cake at Keith's

Took K.'s mum out this morning to run a few errands and then stopped by the legendary Keith's for carrot cake.

While we were there, we met up with K.'s friend, Lin, who, a few weeks ago, had  offered to have a few friends round tonight so that we could see people before we head off next week........Well, turns out that K. thought Lin was doing the inviting, and Lin thought K. was doing the inviting!

Faced with the prospect of the three of us staring at each other all evening, some hasty ringing round was done and we managed to muster those friends that weren't doing anything else on a Saturday night..........It actually worked out brilliantly.  There were 7 of us, we had a great laugh and, as Nina said, everyone had a seat and there was no hanging out in the kitchen!

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