Island life

Day two on suny Islay listening to bloody accordions all day! I love accordion music but in the hands of a ten year old its a lethal weapon. Had an excellent session in the lovely Port Charlotte hotel last night into the wee small hours and it was nice to chillax after my 4.30 am stupid oclock rise of yesterday.

Tonights sesh is in the Lochside Hotel. For last night and tonight I am staying in the wonderful Lambeth Guest house in Bowmore. Its lovely and warm and newly refurbished but I used to stay in it before it was done as I like the owners, very friendly folks. Its better than most hotels I have stayed in and she makes a fantastic breakfast. Another fantastic B&B on Islay is An Cuan owned by the inomatable FErgus. Good accommodation and excellent food and another great host.
Aye I could get to like Islay

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