
By Chiara

Hola Mexico

I had an excellent morning. After meeting with the internship coordinator at school about getting an internship, I felt so sanguine; my life was finally coming together -- I was finally going to graduate, and on top of that, I would already be in the industry! I was all smiles.

As I was on my way to Melissa's place, i remembered that I had to take care of a little problem with SFS (Student Financial Services) so I popped into their office. Thirty minutes later, I came out with a lump in my throat, trying my damnedest to not burst into tears in the middle of the sidewalk. They had delivered terrible news to me, and now I have to jump through hoops in order to be able to go back to school and graduate. I have never felt so angry with my school before. They screwed me over big time. I can't help but wonder if this is karma for something I have done in the past.

To all the trust fund kids out there: you have no idea how LUCKY you are. What I would give for a trust fund right now...! Why do they make financial aid such a difficult & inane process? It's bad enough that we FAFSA kids can't afford to go to college without aid! The government is loaded, and we college students are the country's future! They need to overhaul the ENTIRE system. This is ridiculous.

I sulked all the way to the Union Station, where I snapped this photo. Seeing that the flag is backwards made me even more cynical and unpatriotic. What good is this country if no one knows how to hang the flag the right way?

I'm moving to Mexico. Or New Zealand. Or Australia. Or England... anywhere but this stinkin' country.

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