Brick Dust

By StewartBee

The Signalman

As I approached the level crossing in the car at 5:30 this morning I could see from a distance a red light moving from left to right and back again.
As I got nearer I could see it was a man standing in the middle of the road waving a lamp. I assumed he was signalling me to stop. I did stop and decided to take a photo of him while I was waiting. Then I moved closer in the hope he may come and tell me what the problem was, but he just stared at me with a worried look on his face.
I could see he was dressed in what I can only describe as Dickensian clothing! I edged even closer to the crossing and as I did he walked off along the railway line to the right. He looked quite scared.
As he was now out of my sight I drove right up to the track and as I could see no train in sight I decided to cross the line.
I looked to the right as I crossed but couldn't see the man.
When I got to work I looked at the image on the camera.
There was no-one there!

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