Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Busy day. I took Will to a parent and Toddler class at the local swimming pool, hoping that a different teacher, pool and atmosphere might go some way to getting him happier at being submerged. Well something worked. He happily had his head watered by the teacher with her watering can, went on a woggle, went on his back with a teddy float to kick a ball (without screaming!) and jumped in twice. On the second jump he fully submerged, climbed out, said 'No!' to both me and the teacher and refused to do it again. But he did get back in for the final splash.

Quickly home for lunch before heading to the drop-in. Wow, from one or two Mums a fortnight we had six Mum's at once. Brilliant, but busy. We normally finish at 2pm but I left at 3pm to pick up Carys leaving the other Supporter still with a Mum.

Ballet had a new home in the Boy's School today. We were late due to car parking issues. Hey ho, we will set off earlier next week. Not as much room in the waiting area for Will to run around. I can't decided whether this will be good or bad in the long run.

Homework done quickly with no issues, tea eaten and kids in PJ's before Daddy came home. Both in bed and asleep by 18.15. Hoping this sort of evening/co-operation continues at the weekend when we have no Daddy at home.

The eggs by the way, have been used to make pancake batter for tomorrow. Pancake batter ready for pancakes for breakfast as there won't be time later. Good Mummy.

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